EMP Facilities at TU Vienna
The main instruments and support to be made available are:
Nuclear demagnetization refrigerator with <50 µK base temperature and 3mK dilution refrigerator (with 4T/8T vector magnet, SQUID sensors and 65 GHz access)
Top-loading 12 mK dilution refrigerator with 17 T solenoid and low-noise low-T transformers for electrical transport measurements and microwave input up to 20 GHz
Dipstick dilution refrigerator for quick sample testing
3He system with large sample space allowing e.g. large pressure cells for measurements in the temperature range 320 mK - 300 K with fields up to 14 T
SQUID magnetometer for magnetic ac- and dc-susceptibility measurements with temperatures between 300 mK and 600 K in fields up to 7 T
PPMS1 for materials characterization (transport, vibrating sample magnetometer, torque magnetometer) in fields up to 9 T and temperatures from 2 to 400 K
PPMS2 for materials characterization (transport and specific heat) in fields up to 9 T and temperatures from 300 mK to 400 K
PPMS3 for materials characterization in fields up to 14 T and temperatures from 2 to 400 K
- High-pressure cells to be used with most of the cryostats with pressures up to 3 GPa and uniaxial pressure up to about 2 GPa
Personal Contact:
Feel free to discuss questions concerning possible experiments and site-relates questions directly to our Transnational Access Responsible: Silke Bühler-Paschen