Heidelberg EMP Team
EMP Facilities at Heidelberg University
The main instruments and support to be made available are:
- 1 nuclear demagnetisation cryostat with a base temperature of 15 μK, equipped with an magnetic field option up to 8 T for the sample space and microwave cabling for frequencies up 10 GHz.
- 3 cryostats with a base temperature of 7 mK and microwave cabling for frequencies up to 10 GHz
- 1 top loading cryostats with a base temperature of 13 mK and microwave cabling up to 10 GHz
- 1 cryostat with tuneable 30 GHz -1 THz ESR Spectroscopy and 18 T magnet
- 1 cryostat for capacitive dilatometer for high-resolution thermal expansion & magnetostriction studies with 17 T magnet
- High-pressure 150 bar travelling-solvent floating-zone furnace for single crystal growth
- Facilities for sample preparation, including glovebox, furnaces, hydraulic press, polarization microscope, polishing devices
- Laue-diffractometer and diamond saw for sample orientation
MPMS3 7T (AC/DC-χ, 0.4 – 800 K, iQuantum 3He, VSM option, fiberoptical sample holder, sample rotation)
- PPMS (14 T, 1.9 – 400 K, dilution fridge down to 50 mK, VSM option, specific heat, electrical DC/AC transport, Hall effect, torque magnetometer, AC susceptibility 10 Hz – 10 kHz down to 50 mK)
- the low temperature experiments of the local scientists and the users are supported by a modern mechanical machine shop (8 people) and an excellent in-house electronic shop (10 People)
- users will have access to all clean room processing equipment including UHV sputtering, direct laser writing and wet/dry etching. The installation is served by a technician, a chief engineer and a senior technology expert
operation of the cryostats are supported by a technician, who is also running the liquefaction plant at KIP and by 2 senior scientist
Personal Contact:
Feel free to discuss questions concerning possible experiments and site-relates questions directly to our Transnational Access Responsible: Andreas Reiser