EMP is funded through the Horizon2020 programme of the European Commission.
March 2025
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EMP News

EMP will continue to serve the community

It is not without some regret that we have to announce that the financial support from the European Commission's H2020 infrastructure programme, which EMP has received in the past 5 years, has ended.

During these 5 years, ...

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5th EMP User Meeting

We are pleased to announce that the fifth EMP User Meeting will be held as an in-person event at Lancaster University (Jun 12- 16, 2023).

More information can be found on the Lancaster EMP user website: EMP User Meeting | Lancaster University.

Please contact Prof. Viktor Tsepelin if you want to participate - funding is available for participants of TNA user groups.

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PostDoc / Research Fellow position at RHUL

The London Low Temperature Laboratory at RHUL, one of the EMP partners, is advertising two postdoctoral positions. The lab is actively engaged in cutting-edge research in the exciting field of quantum science and technology and is seeking highly motivated individuals to join the team.

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Doctor of Science Honoris Cause for George R. Pickett

It comes with great pleasure to announce that our EMP colleague George R. Pickett, FRS from the Lancaster University, United Kingdom has been awarded the scientific title Doctor of Science Honoris Causa of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for his scientific achievements in ultra low temperature physics and for his scientific cooperation between Slovakia and the United Kingdom.

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University Assistant (Post-Doc) at TU Wien

Our partner TU Wien is offering a post doc position at the Institute of Solid State Physics. If you have experience with low-temperature experiments and good knowledge of strongly correlated electron systems, please consider to apply or forward this to colleagues who might be interessted in the position.

More details here.

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EMP User Meeting Autumn 2022

We're happy to announce that our next EMP User Meeting will be hosted as an in-person event hosted by our partners SAV in the High Tatras mountains (Sep 18 - 22, 2022).

More information can be found on the dedicated website. Please reach out to us if you want to participate - funding is available for participants of TNA user groups.

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CryoCourse 2022: Registration open

Our upcoming CryoCourse 2022, hosted by Heidelberg University (Germany), is now open for registration. The programm extends over 13 days (Sep 09 – 21, 2022) and includes a theoretical part hosted in the Odenwald region near Heidelberg as well as a practical hands-on part organized at the Univeristy site. All relevant information can be found on the website.

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EMP User Meeting Spring 2022

EMP will host its upcoming 1-day virtual online workshop with current and future TNA users on May 20th, 2022. This meeting shall serve as a platform to exchange ideas and information and foster fruitful discussions with our user groups sharing their TNA experiences. Next to contributed talks of ongoing and past user projects, there will be also a session dedicated on innovation activities covered by EMP. Here, academic, technical and industrial partners are working together to move a range of techniques and technologies from the lab bench to commercial products.

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Simplified EMP access for Ukrainian Researchers

The European Union has launched its ERA4Ukraine portal to help and support researchers fleeing from the war in Ukraine.

To this end, EMP has decided to simplify access to its infrastructure provided through the TNA programme.

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Optomechanics & Nanomechanics Thesis Award for Dylan Cattiaux

The french-based optomechanics & nanomechanics community GdR MécaQ has awared their newly introduced Young Research Award to our EMP colleague Dylan Cattiaux "for observing the quantum ground state of vibration of a solid state mechanical resonator and describing the associated thermodynamic properties"

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Superconductivity in an extreme strange metal

Nature Communications selected the paper "Superconductivity in an extreme strange metal" published by our EMP Partners in Vienna together with partners from CEA Grenoble and TU Munich as one of their featured articles.

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EMP User Meeting 2021

We are happy to announce our next EMP user meeting, which will take place on Monday, March 29th, 2021. Due to the pandemic, this will an online-only meeting. Please find all relevant information on the dedicated website here.

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CryoCourse 2021: Registration open

Our upcoming CryoCourse 2021, hosted by CNRS Grenoble, is now open for registration. The programm extends over 9 days and includes a theoretical part hosted in the Château de Passières in Chichilianne as well as a practical hands-on part organized at the CNRS site. All relevant information can be found on the website.

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Job opening at TU Wien (PhD/PostDoc)

The Vienna Microkelvin Laboratory, one of EMPs access-giving sites, is currently offering a position for a phd student or a postdoc in the field of strongly correlated electron systems at ultralow temperatures. 

If you are interessted or know someone who is, please feel free to find more information here.

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Scientist of the Year Award for Peter Skyba

It comes with great pleasure to announce that our EMP colleague Peter Skyba from the Institute of Experimental Physics SAS in Košice is awarded the "Scientist of year 2019" Prize of the Slovak republic

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Jukka Pekola awarded the Simon Memorial Prize

It is our great pleasure to announce that our EMP colleague Prof. Jukka Pekola from Aalto University is awarded the "Simon Memorial Prize".

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European Physics Society covering EMP

The European Physics Society has covered EMP, more specifically the Transnational Access Programme, in it's latest Condensed Matter Devision Newsletter. Feel free to advertise this programme with fellow researchers.

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EMP User Meeting 2019

EMP held its anual user meeting hosted at Heidelberg University from Sep 4th to 6th, 2019. Users from across Europe and beyond had the chance to present their research efforts and discuss ongoing or possible EMP user projects together with members of the various EMP partners.

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Call for Proposals

EMP is happy to announce a new call for proposals. Since February 28th, 2019 potential users can apply with their ideas for low-temperature experiments - eight sites are available to host experiments in their cryostates and provide technical and scientific support. The funding also includes traveling, accommodation and experimental costs.

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