Call for Proposals
"EU now financing Transnational Access to EMP Labs"
With the recent rapid advances in the precision of measurements in the materialsscience and quantum-technology fields, there is a growing need to take measurements down to the milli- and microkelvin temperature regimes. However, accessing ultralow temperatures is expensive. Thus there is a growing need for researchers without their own dedicated ultralow-temperature infrastructure to be able to access such temperatures in existing facilities.
Our European Microkelvin Platform (EMP) was set up precisely to fulfil this need.
The aim of the EMP is the creation of a major European “laboratory without walls” in the field of ultralow temperatures. The EMP is a consortium of 17 leading ultralow temperature physics and technology partners in Europe, forming a coherent group and able to provide a comprehensive portfolio of capacities. Our aim is to strengthen European research in ultralow temperature physics, both in our own institutions and by providing services for European, and other, researchers who do not have their own dedicated infrastructure. Since this is a rapidly changing frontier field, we also put considerable weight on improving and upgrading our capabilities since the lowest accessible temperatures are continuously falling. This allows us to study new phenomena in this expanding field and to generate new knowledge, applications and commercial opportunities. We have a particular interest in the benefits of ultralow temperature physics for the advancement of the fields of materials, nano-science in general and quantum technology, manipulation and computation in particular. These areas have enormous potential for innovation which we are just beginning to tap into.
This call is intended to encourage researchers who might need such facilities but have none in their home institutes to make use of those offered by the EMP - free of charge!
How to Apply?
If we raised your interest, you can find detailed information on the available facilities, how to submit your application and how to contact us.
We highly recommend to discuss ideas for potential experiments prior to application.
If you have aspirations in the ultralow temperature field but no very solid proposals right now, please register an interest. For any general questions regarding possible experiments or the application process, please do not hesitate to contact our Project Manager.