Aalto EMP Team
Aalto University EMP Facilities
The main instruments and support to be made available are:
- a rotating cryostat with a 140 μK base temperature
- a stationary cryostat with a 50 μK base temperature
- dry demagnetization cryostat (base T of superfluid 3He 160 μK)
- 2 liquid He based dilution cryostats with 20 mK base temperature
- 4 dry cryostats with 10-20 mK base temperature, 24 hour cool down time to 100 mK.
- One cryostat is equipped with 9T superconducting magnet
- Dry dilution refrigerator with 30 mK base temperature aimed for noise cross-correlation measurements at microwave frequencies,
Four small 3He/4He dilution refrigerators with base temperatures 30-50 mK and approximately 4 hour cool down time.
- AALTO/ LTL has a wide range of facilities for characterization and microfabrication and the technical staff offers corresponding training and services for external users .
Personal Contact:
Feel free to discuss questions concerning possible experiments and site-relates questions directly to our Transnational Access Responsible: Joonas Peltonen