Kosice EMP Team
Slovak Academy of Sciences EMP Facilities
The main instruments and support to be made available are:
Nuclear demagnetisation refrigerator- Copper nuclear stage below 50 µK, superfluid 3He to 150 µK. Techniques: pulsed and continuous NMR up to 1MHz, vibrating wire and tuning fork measurements, BEC of magnons (HPD, PPD), NMR in rotating frame.
Dry dilution refrigerator Triton 200 with 8 Tesla magnet- magnetic flux noise thermometry (Magnicon). Minimum temperature 6 mK.
Small dilution refrigerator for high pressure experiments- with pressure to 10 GPa in temperatures to 50 mK in fields up to 10 Tesla, DC and/or AC electrical conductivity, magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurement to 30 mK.
Sub-kelvin scannig tunneling microscope -unique experimental facility with atomic resolution operating to 300mK in magnetic field up to 8Tesla.
Two 3He refrigerators with AC contact less micro-calorimeter and with Hall microprobes - 10 Tesla (axial) and another with planar 8 Tesla, AC contact less micro-calorimeter for specific heat studies of of micro samples from 300mK up to 300K.
Oxford Instruments dilution refrigerator with top loading system - can cool samples down to 8 mK in fields to 9 Tesla, electrical and thermal conductivity, specific heat and magnetic susceptibility in temperature range from 50 mK up to 3 K.
Quantum Design PPMS and MPMS measurement, - PPMS; thermodynamic (specific heat) and transport (electrical and thermal conductivity) fields to 9 Tesla. MPMS; sample characterization with SQUID based AC and DC susceptibilities in fields to 5 Tesla from 2 K to 400K. 3He refrigerator inserts for both systems can extend the temperature range to 300mK.
Mini 3He-4He dilution refrigerator with 7 Tesla magnet– can cool samples to 30mK in field up to 7Tesla. Method of specific heat measurement and precision measurement of the electrical capacity using ultra precision capacitance bridge AH2700A are available.
EPR spectrometer Elexsys E500 from Bruker- operating in X- frequency band (9.4 GHz) in field to 1Tesla, measurements possible from 2 K up to 300K with a goniometric setup for controlled rotation of the samples.
- Laboratory for preparation and characterization of nano-samples – The laboratory allows preparation of nano-samples using optical and electronic beam lithographic techniques, and preparation of nano-sized thin films by high vacuum magnetron sputtering. Sample surfaces can be characterized by AFM techniques, which simultaneously allow nanoscaled fabrication using AFM lithography. Laboratory operates in semi-clean rooms.
Personal Contact:
Feel free to discuss questions concerning possible experiments and site-relates questions directly to our Transnational Access Responsible: Peter Samuely