- Photon Transport in a Bose-Hubbard Chain of Superconducting Artificial Atoms
G. P. Fedorov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 180503 (2021) - Path-Dependent Supercooling of the
He3 Superfluid A-B Transition
Dmytro Lotnyk et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 215301 (2021) - Superconductivity in an extreme strange metal
D. H. Nguyen et al., Nat Commun 12, 4341 (2021) - High-Q Silicon Nitride Drum Resonators Strongly Coupled to Gates
Xin Zhou et al., Nano Lett. 21, 5738-5744 (2021) - Measurement of the 229Th isomer energy with a magnetic micro-calorimeter
T. Sikorsky et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 142503
A new device for studying low or zero frequency mechanical motion at very low temperatures
D.I. Bradley, M. Clovecko, M.J. Fear, S.N. Fisher, A.M. Guénault, R.P. Haley, C.R. Lawson, G.R. Pickett, R. Schanen, V. Tsepelin, P. Williams
We have developed a new “floppy wire” device for studying the motion
through quantum fluids and solids at very low temperatures. The device is particularly well suited for producing large amplitudes of motion, for measuring drag forces at low frequency, and for studying “zero” frequency dynamics by measuring transient behavior. The device is very versatile and allows motion to be studied over a broad
range of velocities and amplitudes. It generates negligible heat leaks and so is ideally suited for ultra low temperature experiments. The device has many potential applications in quantum fluids and solids research, including the study of drag forces at low frequencies in both the laminar and turbulent flow regimes, and the investigation of motion in (super)solid 4He. We discuss the principles and modes of operation of the device and present some preliminary measurements in vacuum, in normal liquid 3He and in superfluid 4He.We also present measurements of a “floppy grid” device, which could be used for generating large volumes of quantum turbulence in superfluids at low temperatures.
J. Low Temp. Phys. 165, 114-131 (2011)
doi: 10.1007/s10909-011-0388-3