Thermal properties of cryogenic materials
Heat capacity
Thermal conductivity
Electrical Conductance of Bolted Copper Joints for Cryogenic Applications, F. Blondelle, A. Sultan, E. Collin & H. Godfrin, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 175, 877–887 (2014).
Very low resistance Al/Cu joints for use at cryogenic temperatures, Triqueneaux, S., Butterworth, J., Goupy, J., Ribas, C., Schmoranzer, D., Collin, E., & Fefferman, A. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 203(3),345-361 (2021).
Electron-Phonon coupling
Electron thermalization at millikelvin temperatures in metallic islands probed by Coulomb blockade thermometry.M. Meschke, J. P. Pekola, F. Gay, R. Rapp and H. Godfrin.
J. of Low Temp. Phys. 134, 1119-1143 (2004).
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