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Some examples
Dilution refrigerators used for the pre-cooling stage of a nuclear demagnetization stage
An Advanced Dilution Refrigerator Designed for the New Lancaster Microkelvin Facility, D. J. Cousins, S. N. Fisher, A. M. Guenault, R. P. Haley, I. E. Miller, G. R. Pickett, G. N. Plenderleith, P. Skyba, P. Y. A. Thibault, and M. G. Ward, J. of Low Temp. Phys. 114, 547 (1999)
Link to paper (This machine holds the present record of low temperatures with a dilution refrigerator (1.75 mK))
The new Grenoble 100 microKelvin refrigerator, C. Bäuerle, Y. Bunkov, S.N. Fisher, Chr. Gianese and H. Godfrin, Proc. of the 21st. Int. Conf on Low Temp. Physics, Prague, August 8-14 1996, Czekoslovak J. of Phys. 46, suppl S5, 2791-2792, 1996. This machine was built by H. Godfrin and C. Gianèse. It is very long, because it was designed for NMR on 2D-3He samples. The demagnetization coil is far from the NMR coil, and the NMR field is very homogeneous. A Lancaster stage built by G.R. Pickett and S.N. Fisher was installed first, and used in “Cosmology experiments” (Kibble-Zurek effect), and particle detection (MacHe3 and ULTIMA projects). Later on, the Lancaster stage was replaced by a laminar copper stage made by Y.M. Bunkov and used for 3He/aerogel and 2D/3He studies.
